To The Last


Berada di penghujung semester pre-klinik ini... membuat aku gak tenang.

It feels like... i can't even find the right words to describe it.

I'm just not ready to face everything in front of me.

I'm afraid. Oh ya allah, i'm sorry for saying this but i'm really afraid. I'm afraid when the day is coming, when the decision is only between me and my patient. 

Its haunted me everytime. 

Sebentar lagi aku skripsian, lalu koas, lalu UKMPPD, lalu sumpah dokter.

But i feel so stupid right now. Aku belajar, tapi rasanya gak pernah cukup. You know that feeling right? Ketika semakin kamu banyak belajar, semakin kamu merasa bodoh.

Sementara waktu akan terus berjalan... tanpa aku sadari.