The last time i was saying my self to get relax, is right after KKN days. I posted a picture on instagram with me standing on the land doing inhale and exhale while seeing the great creation in the sky. And right after i'm doing that, i heard a good news. Something that i was so afraid to give hope into and didn't expected going to happened.
And yesterday, when i did the same thing. To get relax. To not put high expectation with anything. To not to be disappointed. To not to force anyone or myself. To let everything flows.
I heard a good news.
I'm so happy. I couldn't be happier.
Intinya, ikhlas dengan semua yang terjadi. Karena ketika kita ikhlas, Allah akan memberikan kabar baik untuk kita.
"Relax. Slow down a bit. Let every moment be what its going to be. Because what's meant to be will come, and what's not will fade away."