

Its so amazing

how people know 
that the case is still increasing
but act like everything is still normal

Not wearing a mask in a special occasion
like the virus won’t enter the ceremony
thinking wearing a face shield
will be enough

Not wearing anything in a reunion
like the virus won’t be exist in the friend
having a formula
bestfriend = negative

I want to protect my parents, i said
I want to protect humanity, my little brother said
Imagine how cruel, being positive and transferred it to many people
You don’t need to be egoist to be an egoist

from the WHO declares pandemic until today,
having a protection at the maximum level.

October, 2020



Its so amazing on how Allah knows everything

He knows what to do with you
and what the best action for you to do

Someone ever said this
when you are about to do something not right for you
Allah will definitely give you a sign
sometimes you just didn't realize it 
but he really did it to you
one thing that matters
did you get the sign? 
or did you refuse the sign that He gave?

He did give a sign multiple times
I always refuse it in the past
but after hearing that 
I realized then Allah wants the best for me
and thankfully
I'm glad and very very glad in the path
where Allah choose and guide for me

Thankyou Allah for everything <3 <3 <3

Oktober, 2020



You were there

you saw her 
mopping the floor
like she always did

How does it feel to be able to see her but cannot do anything about it?

We feel thankful to Allah because we are muslims

Instead of running away,
she talks to an ash
like you were there
because she knew you could hear it

How does it feel right there?

Oktober, 2020



(Kepada mereka dikatakan), “Salam.”, sebagai ucapan selamat dari Tuhan Yang Maha Penyayang.

Oktober, 2020