Germany: ITB Berlin


Halo! Aku mau berbagi pergalaman tentang perjalananku selama di Eropa Barat! Semoga bermanfaat ya! xxx

Started from Jakarta at 00:00. Penerbangan dari Jakarta ke Doha itu memakan waktu 9 jam, untungnya pramugari pesawat Qatar Air kali ini ramah semua. Aku menghabiskan waktu di pesawat dengan membaca buku, nonton, dan tentunya tidur. FYI, kamu harus mengatur waktu tidur sebaik-baiknya di pesawat agar tidak jetlag masalah tidur di tempat tujuan.
Sesampainya di Doha, kami menunggu selama 3 jam untuk melanjutkan perjalanan ke Berlin. Untuk ke Berlin, kami menggunakan pesawat Qatar Air juga, namun ukurannya lebih kecil daripada pesawat sebelumnya. To arrive at the destination, it spent 6 hours. Kali ini, aku membaca buku kumpulan soal olimpiade fisika yang diberikan Pak Didik. Di sebelahku ada orang Jerman, dia cerita pernah kuliah di salah satu universitas di Berlin di jurusan arts. Aku juga bilang kalau suatu hari ingin kuliah di Jerman untuk kuliah kedokteran. And he said, that's good.

Selepas dari bandara, kami langsung menuju hotel untuk mengganti pakaian. It was 4 degrees celcius, you cannot stand with an ordinary clothes & ordinary shoes! We met Uncle Joe, a really nice driver from Hungaria. He is way to amazing, it seems like he knows everything. We also met Kak Dennis, our tour leader from Jakarta. He is so nice to everyone!
Bus bergerak menuju lokasi ITB Berlin (Indonesia Tourism Börse) yang diselenggarakan di ICC. ITB Berlin itu adalah pameran wisata terbesar di dunia, ada 180 negara yang berpartisipasi pada tahun 2013 ini.
It feels so amazing to know that some people really wanted our necklace and bracelet so bad (the one that made by manik-manik). Sampai-sampai ada seorang laki-laki yang bilang "I want the necklace, i want to give the necklace to my wife"
This is my most favorite place from Indonesian's stand.

Well, the fun thing that happened in Berlin is... At some night, when everyone's wore their jacket and hat to get warm, i went to the ICE CREAM shop. I bought a medium cup of chocolate flavour with rainbow sprinkle and everyone was like "how this girl could eat ice cream when the temperature is 4 degrees celcius OMG" and they kept asking me why, why, and why. So i was like, well, i couldn't help it. The ice cream is to delicious to didn't eat.

And there's soooooo many things that i don't write down here, because if i tell you the whole story, it will be the only post that fill to the whole blog.


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